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Monday, February 27, 2006

Dirty Little Secrets of Early Motherhood, part 2

Myth #2: You bond immediately with your newborn baby.

It takes time to nurture any relationship. Why would a mother's connection with her newborn be any different? The moment my son was born, I didn't feel an immediate kinship with him. It was strange, it wasn't like it's portrayed in the movies or on TV. There was no euphoria, no tears of joy. To be honest, my tears were ones of relief. I was glad he had arrived safely and wasn't in my body anymore.

Since the childbirth experience had taken every ounce of strength and emotion in me, I felt like I had nothing left to give. I was numb. When the nurses brought me my new bundle, I remember holding his tiny body and wondering, "Who are you?"

Once I healed and felt more normal, the true bonding began. Now if you ask me how I feel about my newborn, in two seconds flat, I'll tell you I can't imagine my life without him.

to be continued...


Blogger aunt kim said...

I cannot relate...I had instant bond with both :) Though I have to say that when Trevor was born I did a double take cause he wasn't the most attractive baby (he was covered with the vernix, yuck!) I could only imagine what it must feel like to not be connected to something you nurtured for so long.

6:37 PM  

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